Michael Baldauf (Germany)
Lucjan Gucma (Poland)
A Ship Manoeuvring Desktop Simulator for Developing and Validating Automatic Control Algorithms
Hongwei He , Evert Lataire , Thibaut Van Zwijnsvoorde , Guillaume Delefortrie
Development and Validation of an Operational Fast Time Ship Manoeuvring Solver to Increase Navigation Efficiency in Horizontally Restricted Waterways
Mohammadreza Fathi Kazerooni , Masoud Rahimian , Marcus Tree , Tim Womersley , Simon Mortensen , Bugge Jensen
Vessel-Fender Contact Force Modelling for a Real-time Ship Manoeuvring Simulator
Felipe Marino Moreno , Humberto Akira Uehara Sasaki , Humberto Shigueki Makiyama , Eduardo Aoun Tannuri
Comparative Analyses of Manoeuvring Patterns in Real and Virtual AtoN Environment
Ivan Mraković , Rino Bosnjak
Risk Assessment of Port Manoeuvres of a Chemical Tanker Vessel
Teresa Abramowicz-Gerigk , Andrzej Hejmlich , Maciej Randak